
16 April 2023

I love migrations


The short story why and how I migrated from Gatsby to Next.js. And I'm not going back.

08 November 2021

Perfect imperfections

Soft SkillsBusiness

Technical people are often fixated on providing perfect solutions. It might be because of their personality traits that are then reinforced during technical studies. While this is what you need to do in academia, it's probably not the optimal attitude in business. How to do better?

06 November 2021

A sitemap for websites built with Contentful


Contentful is a popular headless, API-first Content Management Platform. It provides a way to create a content model just the way you need it to be. At the same time, if you plan on using Contentful for your web-based project - you need to roll out your solution for managing websites in Contentful. How can we do better?

19 October 2021

How to use `Option` in fp-ts (with code examples)

TypeScriptFunctional Programmingfp-ts

TypeScript and Functional Programming are trending. Fortunately, they both play really well together. In this post, we go through a practical example how you can start using `Option` from fp-ts library in your TypeScript codebase.

18 October 2021

You are cursed (and probably unaware)

Soft Skills

If you're reading this description, my click-bait worked - sorry for that! But I have good intentions. Your curse is the curse of knowledge. Don't worry - it's prevalent and non-lethal. This is a well-described phenomenon that - in my opinion - doesn't have enough of publicity it deserves.

17 October 2021

Hi there!


There needs to be something to go live, right?
